Tags: #public

- Ubuntu - “gold standard”, modern GUI, ultimately non-“open source”, but nice out of box

- Debian - “open-source”, very out of box lightweight, security vs Ubuntu seems to be based on whatever you are doing (might need to be more cognizant, but “open source” > “company” (?) ), check out Red Hat for this.

- XFCE - very nice, very plain/basic GUI

- Raspian - for raspberry pi’s

- Kali Linux - “ethical pen testing, etc.” - this is something I want to wander into when I get the chance, seems interesting; likely to get into Comptia Network+ —> Security+ soon(-ish) too.

- Tails - “The Amnesic Incognito Live System” - very interesting, very not a daily/practical thing, but cool to check out re general Linux browsing

- Elementary OS for crouton - x86-based Chromebooks

— tons and tons and tons more, but ultimately boils down to GUI needs/likes (“desktop environment”) - even this boils down to KDE vs GNOME (general statement) - check out Linux Mint and Cinnamon too for “oohhh pretty / just like Windows/etc.!”)