Rel: python fun
Tags: #public
These are snippets from simpletools that don't have a home (but seemed worth keeping)
# adding a new snippit. {: id="adding-a-new-snippit." }
import json
def add_tab(thing):
def remove_tab(thing):
return thing[1:]
def jsontoxml(mydict, tabs='', _xml=''):
""" """
for k,v in mydict.items():
if type(v) == dict:
_xml += f'\n{tabs}<{k}>'
_xml = jsontoxml(v, tabs=add_tab(tabs), _xml=_xml)
_xml += f'\n{tabs}</{k}>'
tabs = remove_tab(tabs)
elif type(v) == list:
_xml += f'\n{tabs}<{k}>'
ks = k[:-1]
tabs = add_tab(tabs)
for ul in v:
_xml += f'\n{tabs}<{ks}>{ul}</{ks}'
tabs = remove_tab(tabs)
_xml += f'\n{tabs}</{k}>'
_xml += f'\n{tabs}<{k}>{v}</{k}>'
return _xml
mydict = {
'key1': 'val1',
'key2': 'val2',
'key3': {
'subkey1': 'subval1',
'subkey2': 'subval2'
'notable_values': ['val4-1', 'val4-2', 'val4-3']
# <key1>val1</key1> {: id="<key1>val1</key1>" }
# <key2>val2</key2> {: id="<key2>val2</key2>" }
# <key3> {: id="<key3>" }
# <subkey1>subval1</subkey1> {: id="<subkey1>subval1</subkey1>" }
# <subkey2>subval2</subkey2> {: id="<subkey2>subval2</subkey2>" }
# </key3> {: id="</key3>" }
# <notable_values> {: id="<notable-values>" }
# <notable_value>val4-1</notable_value {: id="<notable-value>val4-1</notable-value" }
# <notable_value>val4-2</notable_value {: id="<notable-value>val4-2</notable-value" }
# <notable_value>val4-3</notable_value {: id="<notable-value>val4-3</notable-value" }
# </notable_values> {: id="</notable-values>" }
from random import randint
def randrow(dim):
row = []
for i in range(dim):
return row
def randgrid(dim:int):
param dim: cubed size of grid
grid = []
for i in range(dim):
return grid
mygrid = randgrid(10)
for row in mygrid:
def metricconv(val, unit_in, unit_out):
Convert metric units of the same type via KHDudcm
SI = {' ':1.0, 'k':1000, 'H':100, 'D':10, 'd':0.1, 'c':0.01, 'm':0.001}
if len(unit_in) == 1:
unit_in = ' {}'.format(unit_in)
if len(unit_out) == 1:
unit_out = ' {}'.format(unit_out)
return val*SI[unit_in[0]]/SI[unit_out[0]]
print(convert_si(1, 'm', 'km'))
print(convert_si(1, 'km', 'm'))
print(convert_si(1, 'cm', 'm'))
def sum_of(num):
Returns the sum of all (+1) intervals from 0 --> num
>>> sum_of(12) # [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] {: id="[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]" }
to_sum = []
final = 0
for i in range(num+1):
the_sum += i
return final
def intintervals(ints: list, singlestep=False: int):
Returns list(s) of (+1) steps between integers of a given list
>>> func([0, 5, 12, 20, 26, 36, 45, 52, 62, 71, 77, 84, 93, 100])
[1, 2, 3, 4]
[6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
[13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
[21, 22, 23, 24, 25]
[27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35]
[37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44]
[46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51]
[53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61]
[63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70]
[72, 73, 74, 75, 76]
[78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83]
[85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92]
[94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99]
param singlestep: starting index to make steps from
>>> func([0, 5, 12, 20, 26, 36, 45, 52, 62, 71, 77, 84, 93, 100], 0)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
for idx, element in enumerate(intlist[:-1]):
if type(startidx) == int:
return list(range(intlist[startidx] + 1, intlist[startidx+1]))
return list(range(intlist[idx] + 1, intlist[idx+1]))
from collections import namedtuple
class Coord(namedtuple('Coord', ['x', 'y', 'z'])):
Represents a set of points w/in a three-dimensional grid of cubes
following the 'right-hand rule' of mathematics & physics.
._ _ _ _ _.
: : :
: : :
-X :----:----: -X
: : :
: : :
:- - - - -:
:param x: Longitude = west/east (-/+) >>> co[0]
:param y: Elevation = altitude >>> co[1]
:param z: Latitude = south/north (+/-) >>> co[2]
def __new__(cls, x, z, y=None):
ynone = -3
if not y:
obj = super().__new__(cls, x, ynone, z)
setattr(obj, 'y_auto', True)
obj = super().__new__(cls, x, z, y)
setattr(obj, 'y_auto', False)
return obj
def __call__(self):
class POI(Coord):
a Point of Interest
def __init__(self, x, y, z):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
# ... {: id="..." }
# 0 0 {: id="0-0" }
# 0 1 {: id="0-1" }
# 0 2 {: id="0-2" }
# 0 3 {: id="0-3" }
# 0 4 {: id="0-4" }
# 0 5 {: id="0-5" }
# 0 6 {: id="0-6" }
# 0 7 {: id="0-7" }
# 0 8 {: id="0-8" }
# 0 9 {: id="0-9" }
# 1 0 {: id="1-0" }
# 1 1 {: id="1-1" }
# 1 2 {: id="1-2" }
# 1 3 {: id="1-3" }
# 1 4 {: id="1-4" }
# 1 5 {: id="1-5" }
# 1 6 {: id="1-6" }
# 1 7 {: id="1-7" }
# 1 8 {: id="1-8" }
# 1 9 {: id="1-9" }
# 2 0 {: id="2-0" }
# 2 1 {: id="2-1" }
# 2 2 {: id="2-2" }
# 2 3 {: id="2-3" }
# 2 4 {: id="2-4" }
# 2 5 {: id="2-5" }
# 2 6 {: id="2-6" }
# 2 7 {: id="2-7" }
# 2 8 {: id="2-8" }
# 2 9 {: id="2-9" }
# 3 0 {: id="3-0" }
# 3 1 {: id="3-1" }
# 3 2 {: id="3-2" }
# 3 3 {: id="3-3" }
# 3 4 {: id="3-4" }
# 3 5 {: id="3-5" }
# 3 6 {: id="3-6" }
# 3 7 {: id="3-7" }
# 3 8 {: id="3-8" }
# 3 9 {: id="3-9" }
# 4 0 {: id="4-0" }
# 4 1 {: id="4-1" }
# 4 2 {: id="4-2" }
# 4 3 {: id="4-3" }
# 4 4 {: id="4-4" }
# 4 5 {: id="4-5" }
# 4 6 {: id="4-6" }
# 4 7 {: id="4-7" }
# 4 8 {: id="4-8" }
# 4 9 {: id="4-9" }
# 5 0 {: id="5-0" }
# 5 1 {: id="5-1" }
# 5 2 {: id="5-2" }
# 5 3 {: id="5-3" }
# 5 4 {: id="5-4" }
# 5 5 {: id="5-5" }
# 5 6 {: id="5-6" }
# 5 7 {: id="5-7" }
# 5 8 {: id="5-8" }
# 5 9 {: id="5-9" }
# 6 0 {: id="6-0" }
# 6 1 {: id="6-1" }
# 6 2 {: id="6-2" }
# 6 3 {: id="6-3" }
# 6 4 {: id="6-4" }
# 6 5 {: id="6-5" }
# 6 6 {: id="6-6" }
# 6 7 {: id="6-7" }
# 6 8 {: id="6-8" }
# 6 9 {: id="6-9" }
# 7 0 {: id="7-0" }
# 7 1 {: id="7-1" }
# 7 2 {: id="7-2" }
# 7 3 {: id="7-3" }
# 7 4 {: id="7-4" }
# 7 5 {: id="7-5" }
# 7 6 {: id="7-6" }
# 7 7 {: id="7-7" }
# 7 8 {: id="7-8" }
# 7 9 {: id="7-9" }
# 8 0 {: id="8-0" }
# 8 1 {: id="8-1" }
# 8 2 {: id="8-2" }
# 8 3 {: id="8-3" }
# 8 4 {: id="8-4" }
# 8 5 {: id="8-5" }
# 8 6 {: id="8-6" }
# 8 7 {: id="8-7" }
# 8 8 {: id="8-8" }
# 8 9 {: id="8-9" }
# 9 0 {: id="9-0" }
# 9 1 {: id="9-1" }
# 9 2 {: id="9-2" }
# 9 3 {: id="9-3" }
# 9 4 {: id="9-4" }
# 9 5 {: id="9-5" }
# 9 6 {: id="9-6" }
# 9 7 {: id="9-7" }
# 9 8 {: id="9-8" }
# 9 9 {: id="9-9" }
"Fancy Terminal Prints" -- functions used to adjust pretty printing based on cli
import os
def hbreak(symb='*':str, x=1, wdth=os.get_terminal_size().columns):
Print a horizontal break across the CLI
:param symb: the symbol to iterate
:param x: the number of times to run
:param wdth: desired width
hbk = ''
for p in range(wdth):
hbk = hbk + symb
if x > 1:
hbreak(symb=symb, x=x-1, wdth=wdth)
return print(hbk)
def runthis():
while True:
# runthis() {: id="runthis()" }
def solution(number):
sols = []
nums = [n for n in range(3, number)]
for n in nums:
if n % 5 0 or n % 3 0:
# nums.remove(n) {: id="nums.remove(n)" }
return sum(sols)
# print(solution(10)) {: id="print(solution(10))" }
def find_it(seq):
num_ct = {n: seq.count(n) for n in seq}
for k,v in num_ct.items():
if num_ct[k] % 2 != 0:
return k
# print(find_it([20,1,-1,2,-2,3,3,5,5,1,2,4,20,4,-1,-2,5])) {: id="print(find-it([20,1,-1,2,-2,3,3,5,5,1,2,4,20,4,-1,-2,5]))" }
def validate_pin(pin):
for d in pin:
except ValueError:
return False
return (len(pin) in (4,6))
# print(validate_pin('44b4')) {: id="print(validate-pin('44b4'))" }
# import re {: id="import-re" }
import string
def printer_error(s):
err_ls = list(string.ascii_lowercase[13:])
n = 0
for l in s:
if l in err_ls:
n += 1
return '{}/{}'.format(n,len(s))
import subprocess
# print(['which', 'python'], capture_output=True)) {: id="print(['which',-'python'],-capture-output=true))" }
# Test.assert_equals(pig_it('Pig latin is cool'),'igPay atinlay siay oolcay') {: id="test.assert-equals(pig-it('pig-latin-is-cool'),'igpay-atinlay-siay-oolcay')" }
# Test.assert_equals(pig_it('This is my string'),'hisTay siay ymay tringsay') {: id="test.assert-equals(pig-it('this-is-my-string'),'histay-siay-ymay-tringsay')" }
def pig_it(text):
return ' '.join([wd[1:]+wd[0]+'ay' if wd.isalpha() else wd for wd in text.split(' ')])
# print(pig_it('This is my string')) {: id="print(pig-it('this-is-my-string'))" }
import string
def alphabet_position(text):
alpha_pos = {l:i+1 for i,l in enumerate(list(string.ascii_lowercase))}
return ' '.join([str(alpha_pos[l.lower()]) for l in text if l.isalpha()])
# print(alphabet_position("The sunset sets at twelve o' clock.")) {: id="print(alphabet-position("the-sunset-sets-at-twelve-o'-clock."))" }
# a = ["NORTH", "SOUTH", "SOUTH", "EAST", "WEST", "NORTH", "WEST"] {: id="a-=-["north",-"south",-"south",-"east",-"west",-"north",-"west"]" }
# # test.assert_equals(dirReduc(a), ['WEST']) {: id="#-test.assert-equals(dirreduc(a),-['west'])" }
# def dirReduc(arr): {: id="def-dirreduc(arr):" }
# # NS = ("NORTH", "SOUTH") {: id="#-ns-=-("north",-"south")" }
# # EW = () {: id="#-ew-=-()" }
# dirs = {"x": ("EAST", "WEST"), "y": ("NORTH", "SOUTH")} {: id="dirs-=-{"x":-("east",-"west"),-"y":-("north",-"south")}" }
# fin_dirs = [] {: id="fin-dirs-=-[]" }
# moves = 0 {: id="moves-=-0" }
# for i,d in enumerate(arr): {: id="for-i,d-in-enumerate(arr):" }
# try: {: id="try:" }
# if len(arr) > 1: {: id="if-len(arr)->-1:" }
# for k,v in dirs.items(): {: id="for-k,v-in-dirs.items():" }
# print(dirs[k]) {: id="print(dirs[k])" }
# if arr[i] and arr[i-1] in dirs[k]: {: id="if-arr[i]-and-arr[i-1]-in-dirs[k]:" }
# moves += 1 {: id="moves-+=-1" }
# # pass {: id="#-pass" }
# print(arr[i]) {: id="print(arr[i])" }
# print(arr[i-1]) {: id="print(arr[i-1])" }
# # arr.pop(i) {: id="#-arr.pop(i)" }
# # arr.pop(i-1) {: id="#-arr.pop(i-1)" }
# else: {: id="else:" }
# fin_dirs.append(arr[i]) {: id="fin-dirs.append(arr[i])" }
# # fin_dirs.append(arr[i]) {: id="#-fin-dirs.append(arr[i])" }
# except IndexError: {: id="except-indexerror:" }
# pass {: id="pass" }
# if moves: {: id="if-moves:" }
# dirReduc(fin_dirs) {: id="dirreduc(fin-dirs)" }
# return fin_dirs {: id="return-fin-dirs" }
# print(dirReduc(a)) {: id="print(dirreduc(a))" }
def queue_time(customers, n):
if n >= len(customers):
return max(customers)
return int(round(sum(customers)/n))
print(queue_time([2,2,3,3,4,4], 2))
print(queue_time([1,2,3,4,5], 100))
def count_smileys(arr):
faces = [(':',';'),('-','~'), (')', 'D')]
for i,p in enumerate(arr):
if p in faces[i]
return #the number of valid smiley faces in array/list