Rel: python 3rd party packages
Tags: #public
- plistlib - Generate and parse Apple .plist files
- pathlib - Object-oriented filesystem paths docs
- configparser - Configuration file parser docs
- typing - Support for type hints docs
- argparse - Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-commands docs
- glob, shutil - "shell utilities"
- fractions
- dataclasses - Data Classes docs
- statistics
- pydoc - “Documentation generator and online help systems”
- difflib - “Helpers for computing deltas” docs
- asyncio - Asychronous I/O docs
- csv CSV File Reading and Writing (not pandas) - docs
- json - JSON encoder and decoder docs
- multiprocessing - Process based parallelism docs
- re - regular expression operations docs
- os - Miscellaneous operating system interfaces docs
- subprocess - Subprocess management - docs
- sys - System-specific parameters and functions docs
- sockets Socket Programming HOWTO docs
- sqlite3 - DB-API 2.0 interface fro SQLite databases docs
- threading - Thread based parallelism docs
- time - Time access and conversions docs
- pickle - Python object serialization docs
- typing
- tkinter
- curses