Rel: mhm volume proofing; Template;
Tags: #public

-> MHM <-

there are two sides to this:
- 1. the recording -> parsing; meaning, getting the recorded training data itself into a pythonic model that is accessible to...
- 2. the analysis <- relationships between exercise types, volume on joints, etc., etc.
- 2 comes later

--> training
how to handle tracking/presenting the associated time curve function of ...

sleep, eat, drink, shit, piss,

RESTRAIN (RESTful Training/Recovery)


Actions -> Exercises "UPPER PUSH" -> grouping
                                      "ohPush" -> grouping
                                        "BB OHP" => implement(s) + cname(s)

muscle(s) "triceps 0.7 vol" => volume ratio(s)
                            -> "triceps -> elbow" (joint(s) \=> structural volume(s))

Exercise \= joints + muscles + action(s) (=> compound vs isolation)
                                                    (=> main vs auxiliary)

Derive joints & muscles from Exercises? (Build implement based rules) 

Exercise name: "BB Bench Press" -> implement: BB/Bar Bell -> cname: Bench Press

new/add concepts:
- Daily dynamic calorie shift via activity inputs

project_status: 2019-05-13 10:50 PM


add date to Exercise class?

proofing bodyweight exercises (angles of clination?, limb length var?, time based vol?)
- TRX/Suspended angle as “{}” ?

proofing TUT
proofing AR

build cardiore & metconre

add client dependancy to recoverres —> manage folders —> global analysis

add clientstuff.meal_planning_multi for split between multiple people:
1. get daily macros for each person
2. determine breakfast, lunch, snacks for each person
3. determine recipes for shared meals (dinner)
4. determine total recipe quantity needed
5. determine breakdown of servings (& price) per person

Sun 4/21

Exercise Name 3x10 135

(read as 3 sets of 10 reps at 135lbs)

Second Exercise 4x5 35,45,55,65 (put commas btwn different wts)

Another One 2x8 155,165x6 (if you plan on something but miss you can mark like that)

European Exercise 4x10 35kg (if u use kettlebells that show kg you can mark wt)

Multiple Set Exercise 8x5 135,145,155 (if u use the same weight for all or the rest of sets u don’t have to keep writing it out like: 135,145,155,155,155,155,155,155)

Mon 4/22

(this is what I did for warm-up…)

Capitalize Ex Names 3x8

First Exercise 3x6

Second Exercise 3x6 (put spaces between stuff you do in groups)

Third Exercise 4x4 155 (warm = 95x2, 135x2 - difficult wt)

Fourth Exercise 5x5

() = comment
[] = to take
{} = indicator ?

DB = Dumbbell
BB = Barbell
KB = Kettlebell
MB = Medball (/Miniband?)
VS = Valslide
SB = Swiss/Stability Ball
SBLC = Swiss/Stability Ball Leg Curl
TBDL = Trap Bar Deadlift

OH = Overhand
SUP = Supinated (underhand)
NTRL = Neutral (palms facing)
Swiss = “Football Bar” (NTRL)
CG = Close Grip
WG = Wide Grip
CB = Cambered Bar

SA = Single-Armed (Straight-Armed?)
SL = Single-Legged (Straight-Legged?)
HK = Half-Kneeling
BO = Bent Over
CS = Chest Supported
RFE = Rear Foot Elevated (Bulgarian)

weight distribution:
CL = Contralateral
IL = Ipsilateral
BL = Bilateral
UL = Unilateral (/“alternating”)

machine brands:
MAC = “Machine”
HMR = Hammer Strength
TNG = Technogym
LFT = Life Fitness

tempo = (down:pause:up)
pz = “pause”

training tutorial

Fri 4/12

Exercise In Caps 4x10 135 (comments go in parenthesis. please don’t hard return)

(comments can go on their own line)