Tags: #public
2dd | del 2 lines |
u | undo last command |
dd | delete entire line |
d2w | delete 2 words fwd |
22w | jump word count fwd |
d$ | delete to eol ("make this is my prompt") |
dw | delete word |
j = down (point down the law)
k = up (fly bird, up yours)
h = left (reach back)
l = right (ring fing right)
shift + : = command (pinky)
esc = normal mode
:q! = exit, DISCARDING changes
:wq = exit, WRITE changes
i, a = insert/append mode
ctrl+u = up
crtl+d = down
r = replace char w/ next char typed
x = remove character
p = put most recent dd
ctrl+r = redo