Rel: tkhtmlview; python standard library
Ref: docs ; keysyms recognized by Tk
- (had issues getting multi-key press responses)
Tags: #public

builtin interface to the Tk GUI toolkit
use it to open a picture named 'example.jpg' in the same directory

# via sentdex tut vid {: id="via-sentdex-tut-vid" }
from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk #pip install Pillow

class Window(Frame):

    def __init__(self, master=None): #master=None is default...
        Frame.__init__(self, master)

        self.master = master #calling this frame our master widget (main frame)

        self.init_window() #not built into Tkinter, building and using below

    def init_window(self):
        self.master.title('GUI title')

        self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

        ## AS AN EXAMPLE, BUT BETTER TO HAVE BUTTON IN A MENU: {: id="as-an-example,-but-better-to-have-button-in-a-menu:" }
        # quitButton = Button(self, text='quit', command=self.client_exit) {: id="quitbutton-=-button(self,-text='quit',-command=self.client-exit)" }
        #, y=0) #starting at top left and moving by pixels. {: id=",-y=0)-#starting-at-top-left-and-moving-by-pixels." }

        menu = Menu(self.master) #define the menu
        self.master.config(menu=menu) #append it to the main frame

        file = Menu(menu) #define file as part of our Menu() named menu
        file.add_command(label='Exit', command=self.client_exit) #add the command for the file button in menu
        menu.add_cascade(label='File', menu=file) #add the file button in the menu drop-down

        #1. Define the menu, 2. Add buttons within the menu, 3. Add cascade
        edit = Menu(menu)
        edit.add_command(label='Undo') #not adding command, but must here.
        edit.add_command(label='Show Image', command=self.showIMG)
        edit.add_command(label='Show Text', command=self.showTXT)
        menu.add_cascade(label='Edit', menu=edit)

    def client_exit(self):

    def showIMG(self):
        load ='example.jpg') # Pillow class.function {: id="pillow-class.function" }
        load = load.resize((400, 300), Image.ANTIALIAS) # (height, width) {: id="(height,-width)" }
        render = ImageTk.PhotoImage(load) # Pillow {: id="pillow" }
        img = Label(self, image=render) #packs in img or text
        img.image = render,y=0)

    def showTXT(self):
        text = Label(self, text='Hey there good lookin!')

root = Tk() #calling our root window

app = Window(root)

root.mainloop() #initializes and generates the window

-> Expand by using different widgets (text boxes, etc).
Label() is a widget